Personal Injury Lawyer Will Steal Your Unprotected Personal Assets (III)
Use “law” not secrecy. Under tax law, there’s an exception under Internal Revenue Code sections (IRC) §671-§678 that allows the original owners of the personal residence to deduct mortgage on interest and tax deductions of real estate taxes paid on your form 1040.
Under civil law if your house is owned by an independent trust with an independent trustee, you will have repositioned (transferred) you home from you and your spouse to an irrevocable trust whereby you no longer own the house.
Use “law” not secrecy to reposition your automobiles, your corporate stock, your sub “S” stock, your vacation spot, your business assets, your commercial real estate investments, your CD’s, your IRA’s, your financial investments, and so on. Each of your assets needs to have a financial asset and protection goal.
Ask yourself whom you need protection from and for what purpose do you need this protection? Then select all appropriate legal entities created by “law" such as Limited Liability Companies, “C” Corporation, “S” corporation, Limited Partnerships, Family LLCs, Family LLPs, Revocable Trusts, Irrevocable Trusts, Grantor-Type Trusts, Non Grantor Trusts, International Business Companies, International LLCs, Foreign Asset Protection Trusts, Delaware Trusts, Alaska Trusts, etc. For each asset, you should determine what is your financial goal? And then what’s the appropriate legal entity to achieve those objectives?
Beginning the thought processes to implement basic measures to thwart the evildoers of creditors and all contingent fee attorneys including our very personal injury attorneys is the first step. It always starts off with just a thought, doesn't it? Plant that seed and then act upon it. You'll begin to find more restful sleep and know that you'll be making our miserable, personal attorneys find new strange bedfellows to lie with.
Rocco Beatrice, CPA, MST, MBA, Award-winning trust & estate planning expert toll-free: 888-938-5872 Watch a FREE video on surefire ways to save time, reduce taxes legally, protect your assets, secure privacy, preserve your money & attain an accelerated, successful, financial wealth-building roadmap. Click here: Irrevocable Trust Asset Protection, Medicaid Asset Protection, Estate PlanningI
Labels: personal injury lawyer
Personal Injury Lawyer Will Steal Your Unprotected Personal Assets (III)
posted by Mark Alexander and Anitta Vialli @ time4:52 AM 0 comments