All About Personal Injury (II)
<> Inform your local authorities, or in the event of a road accident resulting in injury, be sure to obtain contact details for the response units that dealt with the incident. You should also swap insurance details with the involved third parties and contact your insurance company as soon as possible to inform them of any damage caused to you or your vehicle.
<> You should also seek medical attention for your injuries and request a medical reportfrom your doctor. If the injury worsens it is important to revisit the doctor - be sure that he or she keeps a record of this and that you have access to it if required.
<> Having recovered you should gather as much evidence regarding the incident that led to your injuries. Taking photographs of the scene of an accident and of what caused the injury will assist your case immensely.
<> Where possible you should write an account of the incident. Although for those of you suffering from memory loss this may take some time - for others it is best to write a report as soon after the incident as possible, this is because the incident is still very vivid in the mind and the finer details are still memorable.
<> If there were any witnesses, you should ask if they would be willing to come forth and arrange to swap contact details.
Furthermore if you have suffered a personal injury or you are taking legal
action on behalf of a deceased family member who suffered severe injury causing
death, you may wish to consider the following:
<> Have you or do you intend to make a complaint to the person or organisation you believe was responsible for the injuries?
<> Do you want to make a claim for compensation to cover losses you have suffered as a result of the injury?
<> Are there any immediate financial problems arising because of the injury, i.e. medical charges, loss of earnings etc.
<> Are you in need of support or counselling, long/short term?
Making a complaint or claim?
If you have been involved in an accident and suffered a personal injury as a result, you may wish to complain directly to the party at fault - particularly if the blame lies with a company or organisation. However it is important to note that this is a lengthy process and can lead to nothing more than an apology - not ideal if you are expecting compensation for an injury.
Moreover if you have suffered a personal injury and you want to be compensated for your loss or damages, you should be aware that there is time limit for taking legal action, and any attempt at going through a complaints procedure could delay matters. Thus making a personal injury claim may be the best option.
About the Author
Anderson is a renowned author mainly writing for legal blogs and articles for many years.He has also published many journals regarding work accident compensation.When he is not writing he loves to enjoy music and food.
Labels: personal injury attorney, personal injury claim, personal injury lawyer
All About Personal Injury (II)
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