Monday, September 03, 2007

Medical Malpractice Menace

by Rainier Policarpio

It is quite alarming that those doctors who we expect to take good care of our health are those who are also prone to inflict us with much more catastrophic injuries. Medical errors happen in the United States at an increasing rate. These incidents have already victimized many individuals to suffer from various impairments and injuries or even death. More or less, there were 98,000 sick people die yearly due to medical malpractice or negligence. However, these mistakes should have been avoided if only our medical practitioners have exercised their duties well.

Among the errors that most negligent doctors perform are:

- failure to make proper planning before conducting an operation - prescribing wrong medication or drug for certain ailments - improper usage of medical equipment and apparatus in treating patients - failure to detect the precise illness of a patient Once a doctor or a surgeon has entered an operating room to treat a patient, he is presumed to have the capability of doing the assigned job. Hence, if he continues to practice a task away from his field of specialization, he will be very prone to committing surgical errors, which can indeed endanger the life of his patient. Possibly, worse defects may be incurred by the patient or worst; he or she may not leave the room breathing.

Medical malpractice, as defined under the law, is the failure of healthcare providers to perform their duties of preventing and/or curing their patients' illnesses or injuries in accordance to the generally accepted standards. The law has also prescribed that whosoever medical practitioner commits this unlawful act can be charged against and be held responsible for his erroneous action.

The doctor who will be proven guilty of malpractice may be punished and be demanded to pay his patient to cover the damages. These include the following:

- payment for hospital bills and rehabilitation, including future treatment needs, - emotional distress, - pain and suffering, - loss wages and - other general damages resulting from the injury

More so, the doctor's medical license may be revoked depending on the degree of his mistake. If this is the case, he may not be able to practice his profession ever again.

Therefore, it is very important for these health professionals to abide by the rules of their profession. They should keep in mind that the lives of their patients depend of their hands. A single mistake if exercising their job may ruin the lives of their patients. Proper planning before an operation is also advisable to have the least possibility of surgical errors.

For the victims of medical malpractice, the first step of consulting a credible and competent personal injury lawyer is very vital in attaining justice. Have a trustworthy advocate to defend your rights and guide you on whatever legal actions you may pursue.

About the Author
For more information about Medical Malpractice Claims, visit our Los Angeles Attorney Services website.


Medical Malpractice Menace



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