Injury Claim FAQ (II)
by lawyerfreefaq
Auto insurance claim beside minor injury?
My son was in a minor fender bender & the locally known insurance company is blowing up my phone. I told them he is feeling some collar & back pain. No Dr. have seen him. They want to know what Dr. he saw & where? They also asked if I be going to make a...
Auto Insurance, Injury Claims?
My boyfriend was hit by a drunk driver while working. Any advice on the best instrument to collect for injury etc.? State of California If he was working at the time of the misfortune, he will need to file next to Worker's Comp for all of his medical bills and lost wages. Any "pain and suffering" money...
Auto misfortune, injury claims interrogate hit/run UMC?
I was involved in an auto happenstance on 5/18/2008. I was driving northbound on interstate 95 headed to up to date york from virginia. When the accident occured I was In unusual jersey. Someone hit me in the passenger rear side which cause me to spin out of control and do about 3-4 360...
Auto twist of fate, beside minor injury...How do I produce a claim even if my son have not see a doctor.?
He does have back & slight nouns soreness. The adverse party insurance company has be calling me to sign a release, but I refuse. What kinda letter should I convey the insurance company? Nothing. Have your insurance company handle this;...
Average time it take for a claim against an employer for a work related injury to move about to court?
My son was injured on the job within early June and has a tenet suit against his employer. He is an electrician and was working on the ground installing conduit on some railing when 5 or 6 stories above him some...
Back Injury Medical Claims Statistics?
Where can I find statistics on the number of medical claims submitted for back related injuries to auto mechanics? Needs to be specific to auto mechanics. you can start next to the ministry of health or dmv, I doubt if this information is available freely to everyones access on the internet, good luck
Before the team game on sit the commentators claimed Berbatov didnt play due to injury..?
but since then there have been claims he was disappeared out as he is leaving, also he isnt in the picture for the release of the bright kit... What do you reckon... rumors or truth?? Wont be all discouraging if he goes tho as our best...
Bodily injury claim after a motor calamity.. what to do?
My mother got in an catastrophe today. She got rear concluded, and she was badly hurt. she be ambulanced to the hospital, and she does not have the papers or anything from the accident. I call the PD and i got a Claim number i called our insurance company, and file...
Bodily Injury Claim Calculations should I be offered more?
Almost two months ago I was involved in a three coupé accident. I was within the first position completely stopped. The third car was determined at responsibility but their insurance want to only pay $90 for strain and suffering and waiver of future liability. They said that is their top donate and...
Bodily Injury claim question...?
Hello. About four months ago I was in a sports car accident and the other driver has be proven "at fault." I was driving 40 mph and t-boned him because he come out of nowhere. My car was totaled. Well, my fund hurt really bad and it was difficult to breathe. So, the subsequent day I went...
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About the Author
Can anyone recommend a company that deal beside claims for work related injuries within UK?
Find a personal injury solicitor in a reputable practice. Don't go to one of those no win no allowance shysters! Injury Lawyers 4U. Just check on the Internet for further information on this company.
Labels: personal injury claim
Injury Claim FAQ (II)
posted by Mark Alexander and Anitta Vialli @ time6:15 AM 2 comments