Real Life Hospital Medical Malpractice Drama?
Real Life Hospital Medical Malpractice Drama? by Attorney Gabirel Cosh
Have you ever watched any of the TV series that dealt with life's day-to-day drama in a hospital like Grey's Anatomy, House M.D. or Scrubs? If you have, then most likely you are familiar with what typically happens in the ins and outs of a hospital: how patients are treated, diagnosed and the like.
The most gripping episodes in these mentioned hospital drama series would be those that dealt with the scandals of medical malpractice. There was one specific episode that deals with wrong diagnoses, mistakes in medical procedures and so much more. There was even one episode in Grey's Anatomy where Dr. Burke had left a towel inside a patient after surgery! It makes you wonder if these kinds of episodes actually happen in our real life hospital day-to-day drama.
It is a fact that doctors don't really have it easy at all. Aside from having the weight of the world on their shoulders in treating patients, they have also been prone to mistakes in handling cases, operations, diagnosis, and even, treatments. Being doctors, they are well aware of the weight of the responsibility in their hands. It has been a part of their study and training to realize that each small mistake can lead to injuries and the worst complications. Sometimes, medical malpractice or doctor's negligence can even lead to death.
"Harvard researchers found out in a study conducted in California in 1974 that 0.8% of hospital patients had either been injured by negligence in the hospital or had been hospitalized because of negligent care. Extrapolation of those findings would have yielded an estimate of 249,000 injuries and deaths from negligent medical practice in 1988." (
This is probably why, even when seeking medical attention, we must really be alert with how our doctors have been treating us. We must be careful to avoid being a victim of medical malpractice. Also, we must also be aware of our rights and how to pursue these rights in case of any medical negligence committed against us or against our loved ones.
Acting on the negligence of the medical providers will not only be beneficial to you or your family members, it will also give warnings to the community and prevent them from suffering the same fate.
While most of the time the best remedy against medical malpractice is to maintain a good bill of health, it wouldn't hurt to be aware and vigilant for your day-to-day safety, even in hospitals. In every aspect of our lives, it is better to be careful than to bear the consequences of mistakes, regardless of who or what the cause may be.
For more information about medical malpractice cases consult our Los Angeles Medical Malpractice Attorneys
About the Author
Atty Gabriel Cosh is a legal advocate and a practitioner of law for over 10 years now. He is also an expert in the field of social legislation and personal injury cases.
Labels: medical malpractice
Real Life Hospital Medical Malpractice Drama?
posted by Mark Alexander and Anitta Vialli @ time8:38 PM 0 comments